huargghhh... dh lama x update blog.. sonok sgt ghaye taun ni.. byk pulak org huluq duit raya..
(nampak muda ke au neh?? berkali2 ckp.. eh mkcik x pe saya dh keje.. x pe2 amek jek. bukan slalu..) hehehehe....

as usual this spot dh mcm wajib bergambar....

tis pic kat kenny masa last buke pose..apelagi chamwhoring lerr

indeed.. in a meantime still jadi amah kat umah... best!! skng dh pandai masak sket2.. wahaha!!!

Engineer and HR People

There is a major difference between the job of engineer and HR. Engineer is mainly involved in product technical problem solving. On the other hand, HR is mainly in human management. Read the fun stories of Engineer and HR people.

1st fun story: 11 people were dangling below a helicopter on a rope. There were 10 HR people and one engineer. Since the rope was not strong enough to hold all the eleven, they decided that one of them had to let go to save all the others.

They could not decide who should be the volunteer. Finally the engineer said that he would let go of the rope since engineers are used to do everything for the company. They forsake their family, do not claim all of their expenses and do a lot of overtime without getting anything in return.

When he finished his speech all the HR people began to clap …

Moral of the fun story: Never underestimate the powers of the engineer.

2nd fun story: A group of engineers and a group of HR people take a train to a conference. Each of HR people holds a ticket. But the entire group of engineers has bought only one ticket for a single passenger. The HR people are just shaking their heads and are secretly pleased that the arrogant engineers will finally get what they deserve.

Suddenly one of the engineers calls out: "The conductor is coming!". At once, all the engineers jump up and squeeze into one of the toilets. The conductor checks the tickets of the HR people. When he notices that the toilet is occupied he knocks on the door and says: "Ticket, please!" One of the engineers slides the single ticket under the doors and the conductor continues merrily on his round.

For the return trip the HR people decide to use the same trick. They buy only one ticket for the entire group but they are baffled as they realize that the engineers didn’t buy any tickets at all. After a while one of the engineers announces again: "The conductor is coming!" Immediately all the HR people race to a toilet and lock themselves in.

All the engineers leisurely walk to the other toilet. Before the last engineer enters the toilet, he knocks on the toilet occupied by the HR people and says: "Ticket, please!"

Moral of the fun story: HR people like to use the methods of the engineers, but they do not really understand them.

3rd fun story, once upon a time 3 HR people were walking through the woods and suddenly they were standing in front of a huge wild river. But they desperately had to get to the other side. But with such a raging torrent, how they can get to the other side?

The first HR guy knelt down and prayed to the Lord: "Lord, please give me the strength to cross this river!"


The Lord gave him long arms and strong legs. Now he could swim across the river. It took him about 2 hours and he almost drowned several times.

But … he was successful!

The second HR guy, who observed this, prayed to the Lord and said: "Lord, please give me the strength and the necessary tools to cross this river!"


The Lord gave him a tub and he managed to cross the river despite the fact that the tub almost capsized a couple of times.

But … he was successful!

The third HR man who observed all this kneeled down and prayed: "Lord, please give me the strength, the means and the intelligence to cross this river!"


The Lord converted the HR man into an engineer. He took a quick glance on the map, walked a few meters upstream and crossed the bridge.

Moral of the fun story: You have to be an engineer to think intelligent.

H a H A h a h a H A a H a

To: Encik Suami

Berapa ramai lelaki yang boleh menjadi imam?? Kalau perempuan tidak boleh memasak, dikutuk dan disuruh belajar. Kalau lelaki tak boleh jadi imam kita relax saja. Jangan diperbesarkan nanti mereka terasa hati.

"Apalah perempuan, tak pandai masak siapa nak kahwin dengan awak!" Begitulah kata rakan sejawat lelaki pada seorang gadis juga rakan sejawat kami. Maka jawablah si gadis ayu itu yang dia tidak sempat belajar memasak sebab dari kecil tidak digalakkan keluarga sebaliknya di suruh menumpukan perhatian pada pelajaran saja. Sementelah tinggal di asrama, peluang pulang ke rumah terhad dan tidak sempat turun ke dapur membantu ibunya.

"Habis sekarang kenapa tidak belajar?" Tanya Si lelaki lagi dengan penuh angkuh dan bersemangat.

"Sedang belajarlah ni tetapi selain sibuk dengan kerjaya saya juga sibuk belajar agama, jadi belajar memasak tetap tidak diutamakan!" Begitu jawab si gadis yang membuatkan lelaki tadi menggeleng-geleng kepala. Baginya tidak sempurna seorang wanita jika tidak tahu memasak.

Wanita sepatutnya buat begitu juga. Syarat utama menjadi suami mesti boleh menjadi imam. Walau ada yang kata, jika itu syaratnya bermakna makin ramai wanita yang hidup bujang seumur hidup. Lelaki meletakkan kebolehan wanita di dapur sebagai perkara utama dan ungkapan hendak memikat suami, perlu pikat seleranya sering diguna pakai. Tidak kiralah jika wanita itu berpelajaran atau berjawatan tinggi dan penyumbang utama kewangan dalam rumahtangga nya. Sekarang bukan asing lagi gaji isteri lebih tinggi daripada suami.

Namun kedudukan suami sebagai raja tidak pernah dilupa walau dia tidak mengambil inisiatif mempelajari ilmu menjadi imam. Ilmu bermain video game di komputer mereka rasa lebih perlu. Kalau tidak tahu memasak disuruh belajar dan sesudah belajar perlu handal. Jika handal bukan setakat masak untuk keluarga sendiri, kalau boleh perlu boleh memasak untuk tiga pasukan bola. Begitulah standard yang telah ditetapkan. Bolehkah kita meletakkanundang-undang itu kepada lelaki juga. Kalau tidak pandai jadi imam,belajarlah. Mula-mula jadi imam kepada keluarga sendiri, sudah terror boleh mengimami satu taman perumahan juga.

"Sibuk suruh kita handal memasak, mereka tu bolehkah jadi imam?" Dengus beberapakawan wanita yang lain. Betul juga. Berapa kerat lelaki yang menjadikan sembah yang jemaah di rumah bersama anakisteri sebagai agenda utama, selain keperluan memenuhi pelbagai seleranya? Maka bertanyalah wanita kini kepada beberapa lelaki tentang kebolehan yang satu ini. Ternyata ramai yang menjawap tidak confident menjadi imam sebab takut bacaan al-Fatihah tidak sempurna, salah tajwid atau pun dia merasakan isterinyalebih handal. Ada yang kata lebih elok dia dan isteri sembahyang sendiri -sendiri.

Ada juga menjawab, rasa kelakar pula apabila dirinya yang rugged menjadi imam. Isu ini sepatutnya kita beratkan seperti mana masyarakat memberatkan wanita perlu pandai memasak jika mahu bersuami. Lelaki juga harus boleh menjadi imam supaya kewibawaan mereka sebagai ketua keluarga tidak goyah atau menjadi mangsa queen control. Kalau tidak pandai, belajarlah sekarang. Jika wanita disuruh belajar, apa salahnya lelaki.


Ehem..eehem...Pesanan utk prince charming..kt mne pon awak brader..sape pon awak..xkesah r.

Saya nk jd makmum awak..nk aminkan doa awak..xpndai doa arab pon xper..saya pon xpaham..doa bm sudaa..asalkan ikhlas..laju je nanti saya aminkan..=)

Awak doa... saya aminkan..saya masak awak makankan..jgn kutok2.. i'ALLAH saya blajo masak yer....Heeheee..O_o